Wedding Ceremony Dos and Don'ts

You’ve probably already read countless dos and don’ts for your wedding day – hydrate, carve out time for relaxation, eat a big breakfast, etc. But have you read things you should remember to do during your wedding ceremony?

bride and groom first kiss

We’ve all seen that one bride who forgets to smile as she walks down the aisle. And those bridesmaids and groomsmen who practically run toward the altar to snag their place in the bridal party “lineup.” We get it; when all eyes are on you – whether you’re getting married or standing next to your best friend on their big day, you sometimes forget to chill.

We give these tips to all our brides and grooms; any decent photographer will likely do the same. But oddly enough, there aren’t a lot of blog posts or articles out there covering these ceremony musts. So here you go – a wedding ceremony cheat sheet, if you will.

bride and groom kiss at the end of the aisle
Indian wedding ceremony with colorful flowers
  1. WALK SLOWLY. First and foremost, do not, we repeat; do not walk briskly down the aisle. This rule applies to the bridal party and the parents and grandparents. Take your time. Walking slowly will help prevent any falls from high heels or a long dress hem. It also looks and feels nicer for the setting.
  2. SMILE. Again, this applies to the bridal party, parents, grandparents, and especially the bride and groom. If it’s your wedding day, your nerves will be high, but don’t let that anxiousness leave you with a scowl as you walk down the aisle. Smile for the camera, smile for your loved ones, and above all else, smile for the person you are about to marry.
  3. HOLD YOUR FLOWERS LOW. Brides and bridesmaids are notorious for holding their bouquets up at their chests. Not only does this look funny in person and in photos, but it also doesn’t allow you to show off the neckline of your beautiful dress. The rule of thumb is to hold your bouquet at your belly button. Your arms should be fully extended, with a little bend in your elbows and your bouquet centered at your lower abdomen area. Trust us on this.
  4. FIX THE TRAIN. This one’s for the maid of honor. When your best friend gets to the altar, wait a few moments in case she needs to adjust her placement, then fix her train by gently pulling it out to its full length and width.
  5. CARRY TISSUES. Every bridesmaid should have two tissues in their hand or tucked in a dress pocket – one for themselves and an extra for the bride. Catch those tears and save that flawless makeup, ladies.
  6. BREATHE. The wedding ceremony is the most sacred part of your day. While you’re bound to feel nervous during it, don’t forget to breathe. Take long, deep breaths and be present at the moment. Take it all in. Don’t let the nerves take away from this special time.
wedding ceremony in hawaii